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2001, BOA Music

Berrogüetto pays special attention to its musical discourse but also to the narrative and aesthetic ones. Hepta is an intervention of artists from different disciplines, a combination of various arts.

Hepta, as Berrogüetto uses to do, arises from an ideographic and conceptual approach. Its starting point is the reflection and the game around the magic number hepta, number seven in Greek... seven musical notes, seven colours of the rainbow, seven fine arts, seven musicians of Berrogüetto, seven friends...

The Berrogüetto's third record, Hepta, is the most choral of its works. They offer us thirteen songs, with almost a composition per member. Hepta is a sign of the consolidation of this pioneering band's style and its maturity as a team. Once again Berrogüetto received applause and critical acclaim for its quality.

From a conceptual point of view Hepta is an intervention of artists from different disciplines, a combination of various arts. It is worth mentioning that they had the collaboration of Georges Rousse for the graphic section of the disc. Rousse, a well-known French contemporary artist joins photography, architecture and painting in his works. For the commission of Berrogüetto, Rousse intervened a historic building in the Sargadelos old factory in Cervo, Lugo. The artist modified the room by painting geometric figures of the seven colours and creating an optical game, which would be captured by the camera lens. Berrogüetto components were active in creating the piece; they placed at the artist disposal as craftsmen, labourers and actors, becoming both object and subject of the composition. This work was possible thanks to the special collaboration of the Galician Contemporary Art Center (CGAC) and Sargadelos.

Cantos de Monzo [2:51]

Music and Lyrics Traditional

Se souberas como eu teño
o meu corazón por dentro,
non me dabas unha fala,
non tiñas atrevemento.

Vámonos de aquí que é hora.
vámonos de aquí que é hora,
que o camiño das estrelas
vai chegando as casas novas.

Estreliña relumbrante
daime da túa claridade,
que eu quero seguir os pasos
do meu amor que se vaie.

Compañeiriña ale ale.
Compañeiriña ale ale.
Eu por ti poño esta vida
ai na punta dun puñale.