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1996, BOA Music

Berrogüetto debuted with a surprising album that broke the typecasting of folk music.

"De Navicularia", a manuscript written in Galician-Portuguese by Vigairo Lemos, relates the story and experience of the crew of a Galician ship that was kept in quarantine at St. Simon, an island close to Galician coast. At the same time three other ships of different origins lived the same situation. Those days the crew of the four ships coexisted at St. Simon and the island became a melting pot.

Navicularia, Berrogüetto's first album was a public and critical success, receiving significant recognitions. Its discourse surprised for its combination of tradition and modernity. The album is nowadays considered as a genre essential.

The record contains eleven songs, where the members of Berrogüetto play over fifty instruments. It offers traditional themes as "Anubía" or "Vilalbalcán" but also compositions by their own members as "Valseiro" or "Navicularia".

Navicularia also includes the special collaboration of the six singers/percussionists from the Galician traditional group “Cantigas e Agarimos”.

After this amazing market release, the band began a successful international tour, performing at festivals and concert halls across Galicia, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France and the UK. The tour confirmed the vitality and prestige of this Galician group that became one of the most important world music bands.

Jota de Mórdomo / Danza de Gargamala [2:24 / 1:16]

Music Traditional. Collected by Monserrat Rivera, Felisa Segade and Carlos Vidal

Jota de Mórdomo - Laxe (A Coruña)

Este cantariño novo
quen o soubera levar
as nenas da miña terra
sábeno repenicar.
La pandereta en mi mano
tiene lenghua y sabe hablar
sólo le faltan los ojos
para poder namorar.
Mermura mermuradora
mermura sempre ruín
eu sempre fun mermurada
de quen e menos de mín.

Danza de Gargamala - Mondariz (Pontevedra)

Como pica como pica
como pica miudiño
inda picaba mellor
nunha chavella de viño.
Aquel piñeiro tan alto
no medio ten castañetas
as nenas de Gargamala
non teñen barrigha nin tetas.
Rapazas de Gargamala
que botades ó cabelo
unha herba que hai no monte
que lle chaman tromentelo.